Saturday, July 26, 2008


Work went just swimmingly yesterday. First, all the credit card machines in the Public Market decided to go on strike and stop functioning. Then the cash register informed me it was out of ink by beeping incessantly. Then it told me to change its batteries, but changed its mind and started running again. Then it decided to beep at me any time I pressed a button. Then it completely shut down. All the while I'm recording everything in a notebook, using my cell phone calculator to add things up. Oh, and the battery on my phone eventually died, so I brushed up on my math and went with the old pencil and paper.

Everything, including me, is PMS-ing.

On a lighter note, I went river rafting today with the International Friendship Club at Whatcom (or the Asians and Friends Club...). We went over to the Nooksack with Hobo River Guides and took on some class 3-4 rapids with names like Shiva's Girdle, Death Drop and Spiderman. The rapids were actually pretty mild, since the river was so low. They were nothing compared to the Fraser up in B.C. It was awesome though, and I learned some words in Korean.

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