Saturday, July 26, 2008


So I'm planning to head south this September. I'll fly in to Panamá and stay there for awhile, then I'll somehow make it to Colombia. Apparently there are no buses from Panamá to Colombia, even though the two border each other. This is all thanks to the Darién Gap, which begins south of the Panamá Canal, where the Interamerica ends. This stretch of land is an incredibly dangerous jungle full of malarial mosquitoes, poisonous snakes, other crazy jungle animals, and Colombian drug smugglers and guerrillas. I thought it sounded pretty romantic and all, but I think I'm going to end up taking a boat. Flying is to expensive. This
is the info I found regarding boating from Panamá to Colombia. Apparently there aren't any ferry systems. I'll probably follow his advice for taking a small boat.

1 comment:

Scribetrotter said...

It sounds like an exciting trip - although I personally would steer clear of boats between the two countries. Colombia is not a country I'd like to get caught in with contraband in the boat's belly. The people who made it were lucky - others aren't. Smugglers do get caught. In this particular situation, I would fly - as I did in Africa between Uganda and Ethiopia or Asia between Thailand and Burma. It CAN be done by road, but why, unless you have to...