Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bellingham is:

  • Full of foodies. I love how every culinarian appreciates the art of flavour and is eager to share creations, ideas and insights. It's not a big enough town to be snobby, and there's enough diversity in the culinary community that competition isn't much of an issue.
  • Teeming with bombshells. And not just the prototype California babes, no. We've got cute nerds, dark, mysterious vamps, rockabilly chicks, butchy heartthrobs, coffeehouse leeches, smart girls, sophisticati, hippies, dancers and all around good lookin' ladies. Kudos to us. (Some of the men are okay too.)
  • Electric. This city is so manic in its ecstatic undercurrents, all of which criss-cross and tangle until ideas grow like bacteria.
  • A lot more than meets the eye...

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