Friday, July 18, 2008


The cat is being adorable, she's such a lush. She keeps staring at me pleadingly with those big green alien eyes of hers and curling her paws up like only a feline can.

I should be doing my Humanities essay right now, but I'll probably save it until late Sunday night. Ben's pretty lax about it anyway, considering he changed the entire theme of the course the first day of class because he was bored with it. Way to rock the boat man, you really startled all those international students. This Fall I'll be taking his honors seminar on "The Epic in Literature and Theatre." It should be pretty rad, considering Beowulf and parts of the Qu'ran are required reading. I might, might might review The Baron in the Trees for my presentation, but that could get twisty. hah. twisty. What a great word.

I hope it gets nice today, 'cause I'm planning on getting Sushi with Molly and Gen and heading to the library lawn for Felix Sonnyboy.

The Stringband Jamboree is coming up pretty soon as well, advanced tickets are at the Co-op and Avalon.

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