Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pressure, pressure, pressure.

So, I'm excited and stressed out about several things lately. It's getting down to the wire on my anthropology project, which I've sort of been putting off for the whole quarter. I still have to completely develop my hypothesis and do some fieldwork within the next couple of weeks. My loose hypothesis (I've already found a great deal of supporting information on this) is that as hominids became less physically active and more dependent on technology, our bodies became less suitable for childbirth. It's been a pretty interesting subject to investigate, and Alyson Rollins, my Anth. professor, has been incredibly helpful.

Luckily, I had the opportunity to see the Lucy's Legacy exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. That was absolutely amazing, especially since I've been learning about all these famous hominid specimens and hominid evolution in my Physical Anthropology class.

I'm also stressed out about Christmas. Mainly because we are just starting to get our yearly corporate orders, which are almost impossible to keep up with given the amount of help we have. Originally I was planning on working 40-50 hours a week this Fall, but I think if I'm going to do that I will have to take less than five credits at school or work independently.

Next quarter looks like it's going to be a tough one. Word has it that Richardson likes to pile on the work--and I have three classes with him. I'm also still putting off my math classes. gahhh. Looks like I'll probably be doing Summer quarter again.

Awhile ago I dreamt that time didn't exist. We floated in space; in the amniotic fluid of our uncertainty.

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