Friday, September 21, 2007

Autumn is upon us. It's strange how the change happens in only about a week here. This year's weather has been pretty extreme, too.

Maintenant est hiver,
La ciel est gris,
Le champ est tranquille,
Les fleurs dorment,
Maintenant est hiver.


Everything is moving against itself. The bass drum sets its rhythm and life kills and waits to hatch. Opportunity passes, a browning leaf falls. Someone dies. Happiness is defined and redefined and smart people resolve to stop trying to figure it all out. Our heart beats; people are disappointed--they've come to expect too much. Worries jostle around; a thick fog on our cold rocky ledge and we won't sleep well tonight.

Estoy perdiéndome. A veces sé donde estoy y todo lo que quiero hacer con esta vida tan corta, pero me asusta. Todo parece tan importante y significante al momento, pero es mas una cosa del mente. No sé como mi mente ha soportado mis ideas tan grandes y a veces ridiculosos. Quiero un cambio de música.

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